Art Management

We cover all aspects of your art collection and accompany you through all phases of collecting, contracts and transactions as well as logistics.
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You love art. To collect it is your passion.


Investing in art corresponds to your entrepreneurial spirit. Collecting itself is already an art that is difficult to master on its own. The different phases of art collecting require different skills and infrastructures, which we can offer you in a comprehensive, professional and customised way. From the management of your art collection to contracts, transactions and logistics, our specialists take due care to create a secure environment for your art collection. As a member of Swissregistrars, we always meet the highest standards of collection management.


An art collection is a sustainable and long-term investment. Only with an efficient, professional administration and organisation can it be preserved for future generations.


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Why Art Management services?

  • Your art collection has reached significant dimensions and represents a considerable portion of your total wealth
  • Your works of art are located at various locations and in different jurisdictions
  • You want to include your art collection in your estate succession plans
  • You require professional management of your collection based on a digital inventory and corresponding documentation

Our Portfolio

Our art management services

Collection Management

We are committed to high standards in collection management and will advise and support you in all matters related to the administration, management and inventory of your art collection.

Logistics and Insurances

Your art collection needs the right storage conditions and insurance. We are here to ensure that the best possible conditions apply to your art collection.

Contracts and Transactions

We provide and review a full range of contracts, such as purchase and sale, consignment and loan agreements.

Art Advisory and Valuation

We are independent experts on starting or sharpening an art collection. Our expertise in the art market allows us to provide bespoke appraisals and valuations for your artworks. Services also include art collection packages for building up a private or corporate collection.

Personal and without obligation – get in touch

Birgit Gudat
Birgit Gudat
Senior Manager
Head Art Management

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