Collection Management

We are committed to high standards in collection management and will advise and support you in all matters related to the administration, management and inventory of your art collection.
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What to expect from us

As an independent partner, we offer assistance and advise in the management of your art collection, including documentation, valuation, conservation, research, financing and all art related transactions.
Our goal is to maintain your art collection and to minimise risks. For this reason, all relevant information and legal facts are recorded with conservation considerations and the proper handling of your collection playing an important role. Our professional art management thus becomes part of your overall asset and estate planning.

Art collection services

No matter what you need assistance with, we are convinced to be able to offer you the right service for your art collection.

Purchase and Sale

We conduct the purchase and sale of artworks around the world. In doing so, we offer tailor-made solutions that benefit from our international network of galleries, auction houses, museums, companies and individuals. We place particular emphasis on complete and proper documentation. This forms the basis for efficient and diligent collection management.


We provide professional management of your art collection based on a digital inventory and corresponding documentation. We work together with various inventory providers and offer individual solutions, starting with a basic model and ending up with a tailor-made, state of the art database.



We would be happy to process loans to temporary exhibitions or long-term loans to museums for you. This includes the entire process, from the assessment of the exhibition location through to the contract form to the preparation of the transport, the condition report and accompanying the shipment as a courier.


Research is another one of our specialities. The services range from price and market analyses to art history and provenance research.

Conservation / Restoration

Our specialists will advise you in matters related to conservation, preservation and restoration, including crating, storing, framing, displaying and lending works of art. In addition, we offer condition reports using the latest mapping technology.


Experts & Expertise

We offer advice in questions related to expertise and can provide experts upon request.


What sets us apart


A comprehensive service from a single source boosts confidentiality. Having different services combined under one roof, you benefit from synergies in the field of art management, trust administration, tax and legal.


We are a member of Swissregistrars and therefore dedicated to maintaining highest standards when dealing with art. Furthermore, our Head of Art Management is a member of PAIAM (Professional Advisors to the International Art Market), UK/US.


Each field requires utmost attention and care. Our adherence to professional due diligence obligations minimises risks.

Personal and without obligation – get in touch

Birgit Gudat
Birgit Gudat
Senior Manager
Head Art Management

More art management services

Logistics and Insurances

Your art collection needs the right storage conditions and insurance. We are here to ensure that the best possible conditions apply to your art collection.

Contracts and Transactions

We provide and review a full range of contracts, such as purchase and sale, consignment and loan agreements.

Art Advisory and Valuation

We are independent experts on starting or sharpening an art collection. Our expertise in the art market allows us to provide bespoke appraisals and valuations for your artworks. Services also include art collection packages for building up a private or corporate collection.

Art Management

We cover all aspects of your art collection and accompany you through all phases of collecting, contracts and transactions as well as logistics.
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