Logistics and Insurances

Your art collection needs the right storage conditions and insurance. We are here to ensure that the best possible conditions apply to your art collection.
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What to expect from us

Do you need assistance with the global storage or the transport of your artworks? Take advantage of our experience, including in complex questions related to cross-border transfers, and from our network of fine art shippers and international art insurance brokers.

Logistics and insurance services


Together with our national and international transport partners, we organise and monitor your transport and take care of administrative matters. We advise you regarding packing and crating, possible transport options and security, and we accompany your artworks as a courier.

Import and Export Provisions and Cultural Property Transfers

We find the right answers to complex questions regarding international art and cultural property transfers or for import and export provisions. This also applies for clarifications regarding VAT.

Like a general contractor, we cover all administrative and logistical questions. In this way, we ensure that the management of your art is optimised in terms of both time and cost.


Receive advice from an independent partner in matters related to art insurance. Our network of providers and insurance brokers in Switzerland and abroad is available to you. Profit from competitive premiums due to our market participation.


We organise suitable storage around the world for individual works of art or entire collections. In doing so, we also work with VAT-exempt bonded warehouses in Switzerland and abroad.


What sets us apart


We have been working with the same logistics partners all over the world for 15 years and always follow the latest developments regarding import and export regulations as well as regarding the transfer of cultural goods. Our active participation in the market enables you to benefit from optimal art insurance solutions.


You can trust our many years of experience in organising the transport of valuable works of art. Our presence in the market and our international network provide you with the security you need to minimise financial and legal risks.


We focus on absolute security and caution when it comes to art transportation. Our logistics partners are proven specialists with state-of-the-art equipment that meets the highest quality standards.

Personal and without obligation – get in touch

Birgit Gudat
Birgit Gudat
Senior Manager
Head Art Management

More art management services

Collection Management

We are committed to high standards in collection management and will advise and support you in all matters related to the administration, management and inventory of your art collection.

Contracts and Transactions

We provide and review a full range of contracts, such as purchase and sale, consignment and loan agreements.

Art Advisory and Valuation

We are independent experts on starting or sharpening an art collection. Our expertise in the art market allows us to provide bespoke appraisals and valuations for your artworks. Services also include art collection packages for building up a private or corporate collection.

Art Management

We cover all aspects of your art collection and accompany you through all phases of collecting, contracts and transactions as well as logistics.
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