
Our unique eInvestmentReporting provides simplicity where complexity usually prevails. Designed to help you stay in control, our dashboard gives you the clear overview of your various asset classes you have been longing for. Our interactive filtering system with top-down and drill-down options lets you experience a new kind of transparency.
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What to expect from us

When you manage your assets or those of a family or an institution, you face the challenge of keeping an adequate overview of the total wealth and its composition at all times. Our interactive and user-friendly eInvestmentReporting offers you the perfect solution to efficiently achieve these goals and always keep an eye on the current performance of the investments.

The consolidated eInvestmentReporting is based entirely on aggregated accounting data, among which the securities are independently priced thanks to the direct data feed from a renowned financial data provider. This not only guarantees full transparency regarding all types of fees and expenses as well as an independent performance calculation and comparison, but it also allows you to compare the mandated asset managers and reconcile the data from other accounting results. 

Visit  eInvestmentReporting.kendris.com for more information and to access the demo.

Unique features that give you clarity

Through securities accounting enriched with data from various sources, we are able to include any kind of non-bankable assets such as private equity investments, real estate, art or even a classic car collection. On request, we can provide valuations for your non-bankable assets in collaboration with appropriate experts or data source providers and subsequently include the values in the reporting.

Our simple presentation of complex asset structures is unique among our competitors. For more insights and a demonstration of the system, click on the button below. Feel free to contact us at any time. Our experts will be happy to provide you with more in-depth information.

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What sets us apart


We always adapt our services to your individual requirements.
Our reporting includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Presentation of multiple portfolios
  • Consistent performance calculation and independent valuation
  • Integration of multiple banks
  • Inclusion of multiple legal entities
  • Presentation of bankable and non-bankable assets
  • Creation of PDF reportings
  • Provision of personal reporting documents on a daily, monthly or quarterly basis


In order to provide you with correct and reconciled data in a timely manner, automation is an integral part of our services. Among other things, we offer:

  • Prompt evaluation of investment performance
  • Incorporation of current market data
  • Asset pricing on a daily basis
  • Detailed evaluation of a specific investment portfolio
  • Objective comparison between banks, asset managers etc.
  • Benchmark comparisons
  • Consolidation of mandates, different banks and legal vehicles


The security of your data is our top priority and we are committed to providing you with the best possible user experience. That is why we use the latest technologies for our reporting. As a result, you enjoy the following advantages:

  • Secure access to the entire investment portfolio regardless of time and place
  • Clear presentation of relevant investment transactions and the associated costs
  • Consolidated presentation and drill-down to a single security position
  • Optimised display on mobile devices

Personal and without obligation – get in touch

Matthias Geissmann
Matthias Geissmann
MSc in Computer Science, CFA, FRM

More Investment Reporting & Securities Accounting Services

Automated Securities Accounting

Code of Obligations, IFRS or US GAAP; lower of cost or market or market value; realisations according to the average method or FIFO – based on your individual needs, we create customised securities accounting for you.

Investment Reporting and Securities Accounting

As a leading Swiss partner for family office, trust and fiduciary services, we provide investment reporting with a unique holistic approach. The reporting is based on (securities) accounting data with the deepest data granularity and includes bankable and non-bankable assets. Combined with our easy-to-use reporting tool, it provides you with an astonishingly clear overview.
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